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    人生感悟的句子, 不谈唯美, 可深入现实



    荣耀粉丝229296646  LV4  发表于 2022-10-5 07:08:00 北京 来自:荣耀Note10

    I cant write poetry for you with the secular, but I can accompany you to watch the stars.


    Peoples grief is not interlinked, but the joy between people is always connected.
    人生感悟的句子, 不谈唯美, 可深入现实 3.时光让我知晓善变的人心,明白旅途的泥泞,该用涵养的温柔,撑起我想要的风骨。

    Time let me know the fickle heart, understand the muddy journey, the gentleness of self-restraint, prop up the strength I want.


    Many people want to welcome the sunshine, but they refuse to open the window.
    人生感悟的句子, 不谈唯美, 可深入现实 5.突然有好多话想对你说,怕老了,说一句,可能就是十年的光景。

    All of a sudden, I have a lot to say to you. Im afraid Ill get old. In a word, it may be ten years.


    Gradually away, gradually alone, shallow water Qingxi No. Still see early spring fragrant color is good, want to break pear flower person hesitates.
    人生感悟的句子, 不谈唯美, 可深入现实 7.做一个浪漫的人,送自己一支玫瑰,听着人生的奏乐,在昼与夜间起舞。

    Be a romantic, send yourself a rose, listen to the music of life, dance in the day and night.


    There is no ink I write lens, no film I shoot text, not reluctantly, just like it.
    人生感悟的句子, 不谈唯美, 可深入现实 9.真诚的诺言,无人相信,怪世间太多空话、谎言。

    Sincere promise, no one believes, blame the world too much empty talk, lies.


    Dont despair when you are in the air. Someone is ready to follow you under the abyss.
    人生感悟的句子, 不谈唯美, 可深入现实 11.无论卑微与否,我们本身就是价值,无与伦比,不需评判。

    Whether humble or not, we are value, speechless and without judgment.


    What I fear most is not mediocrity, but that I think Im excellent and cant find mediocrity.
    人生感悟的句子, 不谈唯美, 可深入现实 13.没有收拾残局的能力,千万别放任自己善变的情绪。

    Dont allow yourself to be fickle without the ability to pick up the pieces.


    The fire is afraid of the water spray, which bullies the fire, but they have coexisted with each other. So we are not far fetched.
    雨飞菲 版主  发表于 2022-10-5 07:28 云南 来自:荣耀X30 Max 5G
    小心说话 版主  发表于 2022-10-5 10:02 天津 来自:荣耀30 Pro
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